Course Plans
Last modified July 2, 2020.
1A [F 15]
- CS 135 - Designing Functional Programs
- MATH 135 - Algebra
- MATH 137 - Calculus 1
- ENGL 109 - Introduction to Academic Writing
- PHYS 121 - Mechanics
1B [W 16]
- CS 136 - Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction
- MATH 136 - Linear Algebra
- MATH 138 - Calculus 2
ENGL 119 - Communications in Mathematics & Computer ScienceECON 101 - Introduction to Microeconomics- PHYS 122 - Waves, Electricity, Magnetism
2A [F 16]
- CS 246 - Object-Oriented Software Development
- CS 245E - Logic and Computation (Enriched)
MATH 235 - Linear Algebra 2STAT 230 - Probability- MATH 237 - Calculus 3
ENGL 119 - Communications in Mathematics & Computer ScienceENGL 251A - Criticism 1AMATH 390 - Mathematics and Music [opt, override needed]
2B [W 17]
- CS 240 - Data Structures and Data Management
- CS 241 - Foundations of Sequential Programs
- CS 251 - Computer Organization and Design
- MATH 235 - Linear Algebra 2
- MATH 239 - Introduction to Combinatorics
- ENGL 306A - Introduction to Linguistics
3A [F 17]
- CS 350 - Operating Systems
- STAT 231 - Statistics
- CO 250 - Introduction to Optimization
COMM 231 - Commercial and Business Law for Mathematics StudentsCS 341 - Algorithms- ECON 102 - Introduction to Macroeconomics
- CHINA 202R - Second-Year Chinese 2
3B [S 18]
CS 370 - Numerical ComputationCS 360 - Introduction to the Theory of Computing- PMATH 336 - Introduction to Group Theory with Applications
CO 351 - Network Flow Theory [F,S]AMATH 231 - Calculus 4- STAT 330 - Mathematical Statistics
- STAT 333 - Applied Probability
4A [W 19]
- CS 371 - Introduction to Computational Mathematics
- CS 454 - Distributed Systems [W, S]
- CS 480 - Introduction to Machine Learning
- STAT 331 - Applied Linear Models
CS 458 - Computer Security and PrivacyGEOG 102 - Global Environmental Systems: Processes and Change
4B [W 20]
- CS 456 - Computer Networks
- CS 458 - Computer Security and Privacy
- SCI 238 - Introductory Astronomy
Completion Check
For cross-reference purposes.
Edit July 2, 2020: Diploma received.
7.5 CS units [DONE]
CS 135CS 136CS 240CS 241CS 245CS 246CS 251CS 341CS 350CS 360 or 365 (CS 360)CS 370 or 371 (CS 371)CS 340-398; 440-489 (CS 454)CS 440-489 (CS 480)CS 440-489 (CS 456)CS 440-498 (CS 458)
1.5 Elective units [DONE]
STAT 330STAT 333STAT 331
PD Courses [DONE]
PD 1 (Co-op Fundamentals)PD 11 (Processes for Technical Report Writing)PD 3 (Communication)PD 7 (Conflict Resolution)PD 10 (Professional Responsibility in Computing, mandatory)
4.5 Math units [DONE]
MATH 135MATH 136MATH 137MATH 138MATH 235MATH 237MATH 239STAT 230STAT 231
1.5 Additional Math units [DONE]
CO 250AMATH 231PMATH 336
5.0 Non-math units [DONE]
Communication I (ENGL 109)Communication II (ENGL 251A)ENGL 306AECON 101ECON 102PHYS 121PHYS 122CHINA 202RGEOG 102SCI 238
Breadth [DONE]
1.0 units from humanities (CHINA 202R, ENGL 306A)1.0 units from social sciences (ECON 101, ECON 102)0.5 units from pure sciences (PHYS 121)0.5 units from pure and applied sciences (PHYS 122)
Depth [DONE]
1.5 units in same subject area with at least 0.5 units at 3rd yr level or higher (ENGL 109, ENGL 251A, ENGL 306A)
- 1.5 units with the same subject forming a prerequisite chain of length three
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